Main Details

For the 19th year, Indy Runners and Walkers is hosting our Fall Training Program (#FTP24) for Fall Marathons and Half Marathons.
The training runs and walks will meet on Tuesdays and Saturdays starting Saturday July 20, 2024. This is a 16-week program leading up to the Monumental Marathon and Half Marathon.
Training for a marathon and half marathon takes dedication, accountability, and commitment – and lots of miles. Joining a training program will support your goals. You will build your community and network of like-minded, and like-paced, runners and walkers who will share in your journey.
We meet twice per week, but our plans provide you with workouts throughout the week to help you build base and mileage safely.
We provide training plans for Basic Half Marathon, Advanced Half Marathon, Basic Marathon and Advanced Marathon.
You can expect a weekly email further detailing the next week’s workouts.
Butler University’s Hinkle Fieldhouse (Gate 1):
510 West 49th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46208

When: 6:00pm. Please arrive a little early to allow time to park, and to find others at your pace. Announcements and route explanations start at 6:00pm sharp.
St. Vincent Physician/PT office (just south of Broad Ripple Avenue)
1001 Broad Ripple Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46220

We meet in the parking lot near the above green “X.” Parking is available in the outlined area. Please park away from businesses as much as possible. Finally, no restrooms or changing areas are available where we meet.
When: 7:30am (8:00am starting in October) Please arrive a little early to allow time to park, and to find others at your pace. Announcements and route explanations start at 7:30am (8:00am starting in October) sharp.
For both Tuesdays and Saturdays, we’ll continue our fun exploration of different running routes including the Monon Trail, Central Canal Towpath, rolling hills through Williams Creek, and Butler University. We will also continue to spend some time on the Monumental Marathon course to help gain familiarity with the course.
We’ll generally send out route descriptions and links to maps before each week’s run/walk. These emails go to all club members and are sent from MailChimp. If you have opted out, you would not receive the emails. To opt-in, go here to join the mailing list: Join our email list!
Our “suggested distances” for each week will target runners and walkers preparing for some of our bigger local races – the Indianapolis Half Marathon (“Fort Ben”) on October 5, 2024 and the CNO Financial Indianapolis Monumental Marathon and Half Marathon on November 9, 2024. There will also be plenty of folks training beyond these suggested distances for earlier races (Chicago, Air Force, Columbus, etc.).
Hydration Coolers and Course Marking
Several folks chip in to help set out coolers on the course, bring coolers to the starting point, and mark the courses. If you would like to help, please email Tracy Snider and Paul Cook at
This training program is INCLUDED with your 12-month Indy Runners and Walkers membership. Non-members who are interested are asked to join the club. Individual dues cover 12 months and are just $35! Not sure if we’re right for you? We offer a 30 day free trial membership. We also offer a special free membership for those experiencing hardships. Check out our membership page for the full details. Click here to join now:
More Details
Build your running and walking community! This program allows runners and walkers to meet others with similar paces and goals. It’s great to have a posse accompany you on your longer mileage days!
Water and sports drink will generally be stationed along the route for all but the shortest runs/walks. In addition, we typically provide water, a sports drink and light snacks at the end of each workout.
These weekly runs and walks will be mileage based – see the plans below. We have participants with a wide variety of paces and experience levels. Your program leaders are also happy to provide advice to help you meet your goal! As a club member, you are also invited to join in our other group runs and walks on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
Pace Cards
We will place pace cards (7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 8:30, etc.) on the ground or wall to help you gather at the pace closest to your current pace. Say “Hi” to everyone – don’t be shy. This is a building block in assembling your community and support system.
Weather Policy
Runs/walks will be canceled (likely with no make-up) if the conditions are too dangerous. A cancellation notice will typically be posted on the Indy Runners and Walkers Facebook page as early as possible. Unless we announce a weather-based cancellation, expect to run/walk. Rain will typically not cancel a training run/walk. However, a thunderstorm, winter storm warning, or wind chill below 0 degrees will.
Training Base
The training plans assume you have already built a basic training base before beginning the program. A marathon training base might consist of six to eight weeks of running a few 3-5 mile runs each week with a weekly long run of 5-8 miles. A half marathon training base might consist of four to six weeks of running or walking a few 2-4 mile runs/walks each week.
The walkers will follow the half marathon training plan.
Unlike during the Spring Training Program, walkers will meet at the same time as the runners on Tuesdays (6:00pm).
Monumental Half Marathon participants must maintain a minimum pace of 16:00 mins/mile for the first ten miles to finish ahead of course closure. We realize that not all walkers can maintain this pace. You’re welcome to use our program to train for a different race or simply train with us for the fun of it. Walkers slower than 16:00 mins/mile are welcome in our training program!
Tuesday Schedule Deviation
Due to a Hinkle Fieldhouse conflict, the group sessions scheduled for Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at 6:00pm will be moving to:
Fleet Feet
1079 Broad Ripple Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46220
Free parking is available in the parking lot in front of the store.
Saturday Morning Schedule Deviation
There will be no official training run/walk on Saturday, October 5, 2024 as the Indianapolis Half Marathon (“Ft. Ben”) is that morning, and we provide volunteers for the start/finish line area. (Watch the website for upcoming volunteer information.) Instead, we encourage those of you doing a later race to use the Indianapolis Half Marathon as a training run or walk or come out for an alternate training program run/walk on Sunday, October 6, 2024 at 8:00am from the regular Saturday morning run/walk location.
For more details please write to Tracy Snider and Paul Cook at
Complete Training Plans
We’ve put together some complete training plans you can download. They include suggested distances for each training day. There are four plans.
Half Marathon Plan (Runners and Walkers) Advanced Half Marathon Plan Marathon Plan Advanced Marathon Plan