Seventh Annual Indy Runners Charity XC Challenge
Monday, September 2, 2024 (Labor Day)
Check-in: 7:00-8:00 a.m.
5K race: 8:30 a.m.
Brebeuf High School cross country course
2801 W. 86th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46268
We’ll return to Brebeuf High School again this year with construction at North Central High School. We’ve enjoyed exploring different courses in our city and this year will be another fun one at Brebeuf.
Everyone will start and race together, and we’ll again use scoring adjusted for both age and gender.
Huge shout-out to Marty Day and Josh Drew for their timing and scoring help!
Note: In the below 2024 results, you can:
- Toggle between individual and team finish results
- See how your time translates to an Age-Graded Percent

This is our 7th year hosting our Charity XC Challenge! We’ve been blessed to raise over $15,000 for multiple fine charities the previous six years.
Read on below for details on how it all works.
Cross Country Course
The first 1K is the yellow line. The second 1K is the orange counter-clockwise loop. The third 1K is the blue line which includes a second loop of part of the woods. The fourth 1K is the green line. The last 1K is the red line.

Charity Teams
Each registrant will join a charity team while registering for the race. You can choose one of our designated Anchor Charity Teams or create your own charity team. (Don’t worry if you don’t know anyone. Select the team whose charity you would like to support and meet your new teammates at the race!) The more people on each team, the more funds are raised for that charity, so recruit as many friends as you can for your team!
$15 of your entry fee will go to directly to your selected charity. The other $15 will go to the racing pot to be split among the top scoring teams.
Anchor Charities
We will again be hosting several “Anchor Charity Teams” that anyone can join and support. This year will see the return of Team Dono supporting Outrun the Sun and honoring our dear friend, Don Keller, who passed away in the summer of 2020 after a long journey that started with melanoma.
We have identified five “Anchor Charities” for 2024:
- Outrun the Sun (Team Dono)
Outrun the Sun, Inc. is dedicated to building awareness of melanoma and other skin cancers, educating communities about preventive measures that reduce melanoma’s incidence rate, and to raising funds for melanoma research, leading to effective treatments and a potential cure. - Back on My Feet
Back on My Feet uses running as a platform for addressing homelessness and recovery by fostering confidence, community, and connectedness for members, volunteers, and those working to build a stable, healthier lifestyle. - Joseph Maley Foundation
The Joseph Maley Foundation actively works to include the diversity and depth of the human experience in all it does. Through education and service, the Foundation strives to create an inclusive community in Greater Indianapolis where all belong. Joseph Maley passed away from leukemia at the age of 18. In his memory, Vivian, John, and their sons established Joseph Maley Foundation with the mission to “serve children of all abilities”. Through the Foundation and the work Vivian created in 1998, we continue to honor Joseph’s legacy of acceptance for ALL. - Fay Biccard Glick Neighborhood Center
Located at 71st/Michigan in Indianapolis, the Glick Neighborhood Center is one of several Community Centers that serves families, adults, and kids through a variety of programming including after school services, health and wellness programs, and intergenerational engagement. - Girls on the Run (Central Indiana)
Girls on the Run teams coach with young girls using physical activity to promote care and compassion for self and others, building confidence and encouraging healthy habits for life.
Create Your Own Team
You’re also welcome to form your own team to represent your favorite charity. (There’s no minimum number of registrants for a team.) In years past we have had teams represent children’s hospitals, fundraising and research for different diseases, animal shelters, services for veterans, etc. (see the links above for our distributions from 2018 through 2023).
Note: As part of registration, we will need the EIN/Tax ID number and a current mailing address for your charity for verification and fund distribution.
Virtual Option
Again this year, with the race being on Labor Day, we realize several folks will have other fun plans that weekend and not necessarily make it back on Monday to join us in the Charity XC fun. If you would still like to support our causes, but can’t make it on-site, please consider signing up virtually and donate whatever you feel comfortable with, and we’ll add it to the money to be distributed to the top finishing charities.
Sponsorship or Additional Donations
If you or your company are interested in making an additional charitable donation to the top finishing charities, please contact Brian Schuetter at medical@indyrunners.org. (Note: Indy Runners itself is a 501(c)3 non-profit, so that donation could be tax deductible to the extent the law allows. Then that money will be distributed to charities based on the placement percentages noted. Our goal is to get as much money distributed to as many good causes as we can.)
Age/Gender Percent
We’ll use the Age Grading Percent to level the playing field across both age and gender – giving everyone a “score” based on their time compared to their age/gender, then rank everyone in order. Your specific place could change slightly or significantly based on your age/gender ranking.
Through a generous donation from Greg Humrichouser and Scott Fihma, we are able to provide jerseys for everyone on the Anchor Charity teams who signs up by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, August 18, 2024.
If you form your own team and would like to make a jersey, please contact Scott Fihma at TNT Promotions at sfihma@yahoo.com.
Club Tents
You are welcome to bring a tent, set up shop, and have fun.
Cancellation Policy
If we are forced to cancel due to weather or any unforeseen circumstances, we will turn everyone’s donation into a full donation to their designated charity. Instead of giving $15 to your charity and $15 to the racing pot, we’d donate your entire entry fee to your designated charity.
Frequently Asked Questions

Monday, September 2, 2024 (Labor Day)
7:00-8:00 a.m.: Check-in
8:30 a.m.: Race start

What if I don’t have a team?
That’s totally fine! Either join one of the Anchor Charity teams or create your own team.
Will times be age-graded?
Yes, we will be using the Age Graded Percent, which creates a “score” based on both age and gender. Here are some sample results showing the effect of age and gender.
How will the race be scored?
Standard cross country scoring will apply with 1-point for first place, 17-points for 17th place, etc. – using the Age Graded Percent to adjust finishing times/places based on age and gender. A team’s top five scorers will count towards the team score used to determine which charities split the racing pot. (Only teams with five or more finishers are eligible to split the pot.)
Is this a walker-friendly event?
Yes. The course will be open for one hour after the last person starts – roughly a 19:00 minute/mile pace for the 5k.
When is the registration deadline?
- If you are joining an Anchor team and wanting a Jersey, please register by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, August 18, 2024.
- Otherwise, registration will close at 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, September 1, 2024. Registration may be available onsite, but we strongly request registering in advance.
Will there be awards?
We’ll split the pot among the charities based on team finish in the race itself, with the highest percentage going to the winners, then to 2nd place, 3rd place, etc. with some variation depending on how many total teams we have.
Are spectators allowed along the course?
Any other questions?
Questions can be directed to Brian Schuetter at medical@indyrunners.org.