Club Tent at the Mini

Are you running or walking the OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon on Saturday, May 4, 2024? We encourage you to meet up with your running and walking friends at the Indy Runners and Walkers tent in Military Park before the race. (It will likely be dark, so consider bringing the following maps with you.) Stop by the tent and leave a bag with a change of clothes. (Please don’t leave any valuables as the tent may not be manned during the race.) After the race, we encourage you to return to the tent and hang-out, reminiscing about the fun (we hope!) race you’ve just experienced.

Note: The tent is a generic 20 foot by 40 foot tent and NOT the pop-up tent we often have at club functions. The race limits signage around the tent, so please consult the following maps for the location of our tent in “The InField”.

You can use these buttons to download copies of the maps.

General Mini Area Map Post Race Party Area Map The InField Map

The following general Mini area map shows the locations of both the start and finish areas. Note: The post race party area is in the northwest (upper left) corner.

The post race party area map shows details of the finish area in Military Park. This is where you will end up upon leaving the race’s finishing chute. The InField is in the southwest (lower-left) corner.

The InField map shows the location of the tents in the InField. We have tent #4.