Our 35th Year! Held in conjunction with the 45th Annual North Salem Old Fashion Days Festival, Labor Day Weekend Sept. 5 thru Sept 7. Race starts at corner of Broadway & Pearl Streets in Downtown North Salem. The course is out-and-back on lightly traveled country roads with some moderate to difficult hills. The course has mile markers and water stations. Trophies given to overall male and female winners in each event and to medals to age group winners in the 10K & 5K Run (no age groups in 5K Walk) plus t-shirts and breakfast. $25 pre-register thru 9/5; $30 late registration and race day. Free breakfast for all registered participants. T-shirt guaranteed if registered by 9/1; thereafter not guaranteed though every effort will be made to provide shirts to all participants. Lots of other activities for friends and family! Check out www.northsalemoldfashiondays.com for more festival information and schedule of events.