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Indy Runners and Walkers: A Place For Every Pace

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Kelli’s Kegs ‘n Eggs

May 20, 2023 @ 9:00 am EDT

The 2nd annual Kelli’s Kegs ‘n Eggs 5K will bring together 1,000+ walkers and runners on Saturday, May 20 at Bier Brewery North in Carmel to raise money for Glioblastoma (brain cancer) research. A .5 mile option is available for youth and survivors.

Register as an individual or as a team of 8 at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/second-annual-kellis-kegs-n-eggs-5k-walkrun-tickets-475949807687?aff=erelexpmlt

Registration includes:

  • Race entry (competitive, recreational, kids course or survivor course)
  • One Complimentary Beer or Soda.
  • One Complimentary Breakast Burrito.
  • Swag Bag.
  • Tshirts are sold as an ADD ON this year, so look for that when registering.

Kelli McLaughlin is leading the charity KKE 5k run/walk planning.  Kelli grew up in Carmel, attended Carmel High School and is still rooted in the community.  All four of her children attended or are attending Carmel Clay Schools.  Prior to being diagnosed with GBM in October of 2021, Kelli was founder and co-owner of Clothes With a Cause www.clotheswithacause.net with retail outlets in Clay Terrace and on Mass Ave in Indianapolis.  CWAC donates a significant percentage of their revenue to various local and statewide charities.  Due to Kelli’s illness, CWAC has closed the Clay Terrace store.

View coverage of last year’s event from WTHR https://www.wthr.com/article/news/local/kellis-kegs-n-eggs-5k-carmel-mother-brain-cancer-glioblatoma/531-aedafe9f-5722-4a33-95a8-9289b8a11452

Thanks to Goodman Campbell Brain and Spine, kids (and kids of all ages) can enjoy the Big Brain Exhibit on race day!


Kelli McLaughlin


Race Type
Run, Walk, For Kids
Less than 1 mile, 5 km


6363 Spring Mill Road
Indianapolis, IN 46260 United States
+ Google Map
(317) 327-7180
View Venue Website